Complimentary 30 Minute Strategy Session:

I know that this whole process can feel overwhelming or even scary. I get that, and I want to help you choose a coach that is best for you. And ultimately, this is actually best for me too. That’s why I offer several 30 minute strategy calls per month…for free! That way…

  • we can chat about where/who you are and where/who you’d like to be

  • you can get a feel for me and how I work

  • we can see if we’re a match and begin to think and imagine what we could achieve together

And if we find that we aren’t a match, there’s power in that too! It’s a win win! At least we know either way, right? If you desire a free session, please fill out the information below and under "Subject" please put "I'm creating movement within".


I'd love to hear from you...

Warm Gratitude!